surgery date set 3.23.09
Finally i have a surgery date set for March 23, 2009, i have a pre-op visit on the 18th of March. I am pleased with the date, but feel a little numb at the moment, waiting for the bounds of excitement to hit me, i have things already to go as far as home and hospital, just need to get things all set up at work while i am gone..that should be interesting.
Has anyone else felt this wave of numbness after getting their surgery date?
Has anyone else felt this wave of numbness after getting their surgery date?
Congrat's to you also.... isn't it wonderful... the reality of it is finally sinking in, i got things going for LOA with the HR department at work. Told my folks and husband to be who are thrilled, informed my oldest son who still doesn't think i need surgery but is supportive just the same, he is behind me. Now i am starting to get excited...whoo hooo...
I will be thinking about you... and thanks for the holler">">>
i am also getting banded on the 23rd. i too, have started the ball rolling with my LOA at work. I was a little dismayed when they gave me a 4 page form to take to the doctor wanting to know the nature of the surgery/conditions if there will be any "flare ups" how often they will occur, how long will they last and will they require time off of work....... Where is the hippa?
Congrats, the 18th is my pre op day... i will be thinking and praying for is exciting at first i was numb when i got my surgery date, it was like a dream, it still feels that way, i guess the reality of the matter won't set in till i am at the hospital in the bed being prepped for surgery...
March 23rd is my surgery date.... i have been marking off the days on the calendar...
only 13 days to go...">">>